Hardware Road: Home of Live Hardware Electronic Music

Modular Theme Time logo

Modular Theme Time is a modular synth collaborative from Melbourne (Naarm), Australia. We collaborate online and live in person. More than 100 artists from around Australia & New Zealand (and sometimes other places) have been producing music together since 2019.

All Modular Theme Time albums are based on a theme suggested & chosen by our members.

All music is created with modular synthesisers.

MTTS Sessions (Live)

Modular Theme Time Sessions (MTTS) are Melbourne based and take place at Wick Studios. Up to 6 participants will jam together and an album will be created from their work on the day.

MTTSS (Sharewave Sessions)

Modular Theme Time Sharewave Sessions (MTTSS) are conducted online sharing WAV files. Tracks are produced in groups of 3-4 people. Each group starts with a sound created by the theme winner.


A big thanks to all those that participate in our session.

Special shout outs to our regulars Lincoln Webber, Fabrice Million (Made in Space), David Prescott-Steed, Cameron Stephen (artpunk), Shay Doe, Greg Potter and Gregor McNish (who also built this website! Legend.) who show their support not only by turning up but also finiancially and physically. Big hugs.

Special thanks to Gregory of Soundform Recordings for his mastering efforts on some of the live albums. (link to https://soundformrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/sub-harmonix)

The biggest of thanks goes to Ash Cadell who has spent countess hours mixing and mastering the early live albums and most of the Sharewaves Sessions. MTT would not be what it is without you. You can find his music and more of what Ash is up to at https://linktr.ee/Destinovamusic