Hardware Road: Home of Live Hardware Electronic Music

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On Hardware Road radio show we interview live electronic hardware based producers and performers, and they play live for us in the studio.

Hardware Road is a radio show with the focus on presenting electronic music artists who perform and produce music with hardware; drum machines, synths, modular synths and anything else can be found in a studio big or small! Expect candid interviews along with performances from the artist.

Your host is Mr. Rachele. Our video producer is Marcus Newman.

Listen live at 9pm AEDT on Area 3000. Refer to upcoming events below for dates and info.

If you missed the live show you can listen back on the Area3000.radio Soundcloud page below.

You can find extended interviews, extended performaces (Mr. Rachele joins them for a jam post show) and also rig rundowns on the YouTube channel. Live jams playlist below.


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