Hardware Road: Home of Live Hardware Electronic Music

MTTSS #2 I Feel Like a Nice Warm Bath

The theme: I Feel Like a Nice Warm Bath

Theme winner : Puscha

Collaborative experimental session recorded using only eurorack modular synths. Four groups of four people share WAV files to create music around the chosen theme. All groups had a starting WAV file as was created by the theme poll winner Puscha.

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Pusha's theme words:

"It's the start of Winter. The days are still getting shorter, darker. This morning I got up early for work. My bed sheets clung to my leg, holding on, unwilling to let go of the body heat that had kept them cozy through the night. I let the tap run while I relieve myself of whatever I drank last night, but the hot water service is still asleep, so I splash my face with cold water, freezing. The taps scream at me to wake up. I pull myself out into the cool, morning air, dark. A street lamp lights the escaping warmth in my breath as I unlock my car, teeth chattering. Numb fingers fumble at car keys and controls as I let my car know that it's time to awake. The day unfolds, yet I cannot shake the sense of cold that clings to my bones. The sky remains dark, overcast, and by the time that I'm heading home again the brightest part of the day has already passed. Walking back to my car, yawning, the sky breaks and a hard shower douses the pavement. Water drips from the tip of my nose, clammy toes reach for the pedals, and I make my way home.

At last, my time is mine. Silence. A small, black plug is placed over the drain, and I turn the hot tap on hard. I sigh when the steam rises, and turn the opposite tap on slowly. An effervescent, white noise fills the space. I decide to make the most of it, pouring bubble solution into the water. I leave the bathroom to fetch a brown ale, and hell, a candle while I'm at it. I turn off the taps, the lack of sound is loud. I flick a match across the backside of its box and it hisses to a life that I transfer to the candle’s wick. I lump my clothes into a corner and climb into the tub, one toe at a time, and lower myself, my backside squeaking as it slides, deep down into the bath. Every nerve ending feels as if it vibrates, as the warmth envelopes me to the core, and the cold detaches itself from the deep places it was inhabiting. I shudder and sigh as the last of the cold leaves my body, and start to feel a little light headed. I lean over and twist the top off the bottle and take a few deep gulps. I take a breath and immerse my full body into the water, slipping my head beneath the surface, allowing the water-filtered silence to wash over me."